So I came across this the other day a movie starting Eva Green, and Matt Smith the main plot starts with childhood sweet hearts Rebecca and Thomas loved each other since the day they met Thomas has to part and poor Rebecca stays home with a broken heart years pass and Thomas is back they reunite but then a freak accident kills him, Rebecca broken hearted finds an option to clone Thomas, as in her giving birth to him,which is kinda wicked think about it this way she will give birth to her lover so haaa I love a good sci fi and what better than a love sci fi story but theres a lot of questions and uncertanty that comes with it right? I mean we get the whole cloning controversy I mean it would be him yes he would look like him have the same cells, same everything but "it" wouldn't be really him now would he? and the big question would be would you clone a person you love in order to ease the pain?
Soo tell me what you think! You can watch the trailer below.
12 comentarios:
i wanna see it >< looks awesome
and that is indeed a very interesting question.
O_O who knows i guess it depends.. in the feelings you had for the person, if we had that technology and if you are willing to accept that, that's not really your lover O_O
nice blog entry sis ;)
Sounds pretty neat I have to say oo I have to say i don't see me cloning my lover...I just do not think I could get over the idea that the actual person has died and I'm trying to replace them.o_o
Sounds worth a look though, and sweet. Cool entry oo
I saw the trailer the other day, it looks funny and intriguing. anyways um... rawr!
yay thanks for the comments ! you too Davo ! aun que me pregunto why funny Oo....?
funny?? O_o
No, because cells and DNA doesn't make the person you love. It may make him physically the same but that doesn't mean it would be him. Better find someone else :P.
I would clone David Tennant XDD.... ok hit me now lol
hahaha ill hit you!
well it does sound good, but i think cloning him would be unfair, to the actual dead him, and to herself and to the clone itself
[hits Diana]
lol.. i agree with maritza.. but what if just seeing him physically makes you happy?? knowing he is near you?
Creo que causaria mas dolor =/
Hola amiga!!!
Super el Blog...oye vacacionando con candela...jajaja...esta bien que tengas un espacio para subir fotos y saber de ti cuando no tenemos mucho tiempo para salir y minimo tomar un cafe...bueno te dejo saludos y espero verte esta vacaciones ya no digo fechas que tu sabes lo ocupado que puede estar uno en finales...cuidate,bye.
........Anai Piedra......
Jajaja sii pronto hare ese blog! aun lo tengo en mente XD que habra sido de ella! y si espero que nos veamos pronto :D abrazos
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